Monday, July 10, 2006

A lesson in Puberty!!!

Maylynn - self portrait
Originally uploaded by kishbee.
Yes you heard it right. In this household puberty is just around the corner for the eldest of my household. Which of course has the youngest member jealous with the little extra attention that Kaydee sometimes get.

Well Maylynns jealous arouse the other night as we were bra shopping. The conversation went like this:

"Mommy, I need a bra" ..Maylynn says. "No you don't have a couple years before that" I say.

"But Mooomm...I'm in puberty", Maylynn exclaims very loudly. "Maylynn your don't even know what puberty is!!!" I say.

"Yes I do Mom..its when a girl gets her exclamation point!!"

For which I pulled to side of the road to avoid an accident from laughter.

All I can say is..out of the mouth of babes.

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