Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Wino Bliss

Ahhh 4th of July--a day to celebrate our freedom..to relax and enjoy the spirit of summer..a day for Wino Bliss!!

We (as in me and significant other) are not in large drinkers. In fact, I have seen a six pack of beer ferment in my fridge until dust accumulates. However on occasion when the planets are aligned just so and the kids are under the watchful eye of their father and of course I have another willing wino to partake...Wino Bliss can happen.

Tonight was one of those nights. As we sat at the lake with friends that I only see on the 4th and the unconfortable getting reaquainted conversations began, the words "how about a glass of wine" came out of my mouth. And so it began..the immediate feeling of "ahh" swept over me. Conversations seemed a little more humorous and relaxation began to take place. As we partook in another glass Wino bliss was in there in earnest and our significant others "were on duty" ...this was mommy time!!!

When the bottle was empty..we sat with smiles on our faces and both knew that as another July 4th would go down in the books and that Wino bliss would be put away until next year.


Moobear said...

Very good start Kishbee. I am new at this too. I like your writing and I got here by clicking here, there, clicking here and then there. So I will bookmark your site and I shall return. Without the bookmark, I will be never be able to find you again. Lots of best wishes your way as you begin a life in Blogsville. Welcome aboard my friend. God Bless!

Moobear said...

My apology Gwen, I got the horse before the carriage, sorry about the name boo boo. God Bless!